Saturday, 8 October 2011

Miss durban Townships-INK,Umlazi,Lamontville,Chesterville,etc


Estilite Model Management incolaboration with Estil`s Music & Entertaintainment,EME DJs, have proposed staging Miss Durban Township Beaty Pageant 2011/2012.This competition will start at INK area(Inanda,Newtown & Kwamashu) and then goes to other townships in and around Durban .This competition will lead to Miss KwaZulu Natal 2012.Watch the space for more details.Info 0827217163/0721455893

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Miss Durban 2011

This past weekend Itheku was nominating Miss Durban 2011 where by the throne was taken by Miss Naicker along with her second and third princessed.Estil Mpunzana,MD, Estilite Model Management attended this show with Mandisa Njokweni. According to Estil there were few sponsors for this show which was not a good thing because some girls had to wear their own attire.The Dj seemed like he did not rehears and the artists which were featured besides Sfiso were not up to scratch .The artists were too young ,upcoming and not experienced .There was too much interference in the girls catwalk by the artists .This show was hosted by Jafta Mamabolo(known as Mathew in Generation).The whole show was organised by U3-Wiseman Mathonsi.The food was good though.

ESTILITE MODEL MANAGEMENT in collaboration with Zoliswa Mkhonde for a new Miss Kwa-Zulu Natal project

Estil Mpunzana,MD,Estilite Model Management was talking behind closed doors with Zoliswa Mkhonde,Durban about a collaboration deal to stage Miss KwaZulu Natal.The dates are yet to be announced as to when this event will take place.When we asked Estil about this he just told us to watch the space.Our team will try and get an inteview with Zoliswa Mkhonde.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Estilite Model Management (EMM) fires Model Mandy

Model Mandy Radebe has been fired from Estilite Model Management.According to the trusted sources she has been fired because of bringing the agency into disrepute.According to the EMEdotARTIST events organiser,Mandisa "Mandy-Jr" Njokweni who is also a liaison officer for Estilite Model Management,this junior model passed false accusations  about the Agency in the local Durban radio.Whe Mandisa was asked to open up on whart the accusations were, she refused specify and said that the matter is in the hands of the Agency lawyers .Whe we interviewed the MD of the agency,Estil Mpunzana he said he was not surprised about this because this model had already  complained to him  that she was ignored and deprived from being on fashion shows including the Durban July Handicap`s 'Shoelaced Brand".He also added that this model was on a learning phase which is the reason she was not included in Durban July Handicap "Shoelaced" project where  experienced models like Model Nosie` ,Model Angie` to name a few were needed and even these models were not representing the agency in that event because  of problems the Agency had with "Shoelaced " people .....

Monday, 25 July 2011

Proposed Estilite Model Management,EMEdotARTIST,EME DJs get together party

The three bodies under Estil`s Music & Entertainment cc,emedotartist,estilite model management and EME Djs have proposed staging a get together party in a venue which has not yet been revealed.According to MD,Estil "Eme" Mpunzana he confirmed these rumours but did not specify the details about this gig as he said he is trying to avoid the presence of the media.He estimated the end of november 2011 and told us that the gig is for farmiliarising everyone about licencee,Estil`s Music & Entertainment cc..Estil told us that  top names in Music,Acting and DJ scene have been invited in this gig to be staged in Durban,South Africa.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Estilite Model Management wants to Join Avon cosmetics brand

Estilite Model Management is proposing using its models in promoting Avon brand.According to estil Mpunzana he said that this is at the moment a proposal and he refused to coment if there is any deals the agency is entering into with Avon.he promised our jounalists full report in October 2011.

Eme` proposing for marriage! No this is not true

It has come to our attention that Eme`,Estil Mpunzana,the man behind EMEdotARTIST,EME DJs and Estilite Model Management is rapping up his relationship status and we all wonder who is this lucky woman to win the throne.This was revealed by our trusted sources.The agency is tweeting these findings and will be intervewing Estil himself to here him confessing about it.Even on tweeter these news were found but were taken as mere rumours.

Sunday, 26 June 2011